Saturday, May 26, 2007

Summary of what I have learned in this project

Global warming project is one of the projects that make me aware what might happen in the future. First, this project taught me something beside the global warming issue. Which is how make my own blog. I had never thought that I have my own URL link but great to know how to create and design your own blog. Let us return back to main topic which is global warming, before this project I didn’t have any idea about the greenhouse and what causes it. However, now after this project I learned what are the causes of the global warming, the effects and also how can we reduce the expects of occurring this problem

Causes and Effects of Global Warming


Global warming is a problem that many people haven’t taken notice before. But these days people started to recognize how this problem might effect the living things. First, I will begin with the causes which are the smoke from factories. It has the same problem of green house which stuck the air, also Co2 which comes from the cars. Volcanoes have smoke that pollutes the air and increase the temperature. Burning waste, forest and deforestation causes it too. The economy which rich countries consider it, cigarette smoke, burning fossil fuels, airplanes & space missions and large hole in the ozone layer. All these causes the thing called global warming. There is a factor is called greenhouse gases that have caused the rapid increase in world temperatures.

A Specific Cause: Forest Fires

Forest fires are one of the causes that cause global warming. this problem mostly occurs in the dry season. Hot temperature and this dry weather burn the forest. that’s why we hear from some countries that they cut their trees. These trees in the hot weather they transfer into fire, so these countries cut these trees to avoid these burnings and all these problems that might be caused. Many countries had burnings in their forests like Indonesia, Canada, Australia and the USA. This problem we have to look forward and research it because if these countries kept cutting all these trees the oxygen will reduce because these trees give oxygen and fresh the air.

All Effects

There are effects that happen because of the global warming, some effects on both the natural environment and human life considering as being belong to the global warming. Melting ice caps one of the effects and hurricanes started to appear. Foods, drought, negative effect on plants and vegetations, fewer species of animals, more cases of skin cancer and larger hole in the ozone layer, these are some effects and there are more like the increase of the temperature, acid rain, facilities spread of certain diseases and the increase in gap between rich and poor countries. These effects harms the humanity so we have to look for solution to avoid these effects

A Specific Effect: Plants and Vegetation

There are effects to plants and vegetations with threaten their life in the future. There is a study predicts that. This prediction might be true so people should think of life in the future and how our children and grandchildren will suffer from that. The gaff trees and all the leaves falls, no living things that give oxygen will be alive. Change of climate which happens because the gases that pollute the air and play in weather. This things kills people and also it kills plants because all of are living things. Plants need fresh air not all polluted and have poison materials that kills. Before that day comes we should look after this problem and check for solutions that keeps plant and vegetations alive.

Global Warming in the UAE

An Australian scientist visited Dubai with a theory called 5 ways to save the world. Those five ways are adding urea granules, solid form of nitrogen, to parts of the ocean that have a nutrient deficit, phytoplankton will bloom and act like trees. A pipe would take the urea 50km away, 1 thousand tones of Urea captures 10 thousand of CO2. the minister of environment in the UAE said it’s a good idea.

The top meteorologist in Dubai has said that the rising of the climate is caused by the changing climate. This climate change is caused by the greenhouse effect which occurs by the gasses such as the pollutant carbon dioxide. Which allows the sun rays passes through the earth and for example the car smoke attached the sun rays. That makes the temperature increasing.

Ways to avoid the huge disaster

Ways to Reduce the aspects of Global Warming

Global Warming is something real which might occur any time. However, for each problem there should be solutions. In this period of time which is almost the whole world are aware of developing, you can see these manufactures everywhere and cars are distributed as if they are insects in a garden. These two I see are the main reasons that might cause this huge problem. There are solutions to reduce the expects of occurring global warming. For example if we worked and cooperated together to put rules for the manufactures to put them in an area which is far away from all living things. For cars why we don’t operate them on electricity. It’s not impossible because already they have manufactured one electrical car. I heard one of my friends that they will make a car which is half hydrogen and half carbon dioxide so i am waiting for it . By this way me and many people will buy it and that will decrease the carbon dioxide.